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Mater's medical education program in the spotlight at ANZPMEF


Late last year, Dr Ryan Frazer, Director of Clinical Training and Olivia Paton, Medical Education and Workforce Manager presented at the 2018 Australian and New Zealand Prevocational Medical Education Forum (ANZPMEF) in Melbourne. In attendance were Junior Doctors, Medical Educators, Medical Workforce Managers, Senior Doctors, Directors of Clinical Training and other medical professionals from across Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Frazer presented on Mater’s Critical Care Senior House Officer (CCSHO) program from a professional and organisational perspective, as well as showcasing these unique positions we are able to offer professionals at Mater. 

The CCSHO program was implemented in 2017 in response to increasing activity in the private hospital and demand for after-hours acute care. It also addressed the need to provide further critical care experience to Senior House Officers’ (SHO) in anaesthetics and intensive care.

"Since implementation, entry into critical care training programs has had a high percentage rate of success. In 2017 we had 90% of our CCSHOs gain entrance onto the anaesthetic training program, and the other 10% obtaining an ICU role.”

“In 2018 we had a 50% success rate into anaesthetic training programs, 20% into anaesthetic Principle House Officer (PHO) roles, 20% into ICU PHO roles and 10% onto anaesthetic training program waiting list,” Dr Frazer said. 

Dr Frazer also presented the opinions of a variety of staff regarding the role. Collectively, they felt more supported and that the care of patients after-hours had improved. Studies show the role has also contributed to a reduced number of Medical Emergency Team (MET) calls.  

At the forum, Olivia also presented on the outcomes and effectiveness of the Medical Careers Workshop she designed and facilitated.  

“The workshop includes advice on improving attendees’ CVs and cover letters, interview techniques, referee selection and social media presence. As well as to provide a professional development opportunity to our junior doctors, the workshop was created to reduce the stress and anxiety around job applications, ultimately aiming to improve overall wellbeing.”

“100% of attendees agreed or strongly agreed that the careers workshop helped them to prepare for future job applications,” Olivia said.

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