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Partnerships to benefit students and the aged care community


The demand for aged care workers is rapidly growing and to assist with the healthcare needs, Mater Education has joined forces with Vacenti Aged Care in a mutually beneficial agreement to service the growing aged care community.

The exciting partnership has secured both paid work placement and future job opportunities for Mater Education Vocational Education and Training in School (VETiS) students who are completing their Certificate III in Individual Support studies, while fulfilling the needs of Vacenti Aged Care for skilled, passionate and eager employees.

In 2020, Vacenti welcomed the first cohort of Mater Education students through its school-based traineeship pilot program with an intake of 14 year 11 students from nine local schools. Each student works one day per week during school terms and up to 30 hours per week in holidays. They will complete 375 hours paid employment in Vacenti’s facilities while undertaking their Certificate III in Individual Support through Mater Education. 

The goal once these students complete their certificate is to immediately transition them into Assistant in Nursing (AIN) and Personal Care Worker roles, bolstering Vacanti’s workforce with internally trained staff.

The program has seen huge success so far, with the school students setting a very high standard and impressing Vacenti’s facility management and Human Resource team with their enthusiasm and commitment. 

We look forward to continuing to support and guide our VETiS students for a great future in healthcare, post-school.

Study nursing fee-free for October 2024

Study a Diploma of Nursing at Mater Hospital Brisbane and Mater Health Hub, Springfield in October and kickstart your healthcare career with Mater Education.

Limited places available, conditions apply.

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