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VETiS student in focus: Clare Hogan


At 15 years of age Clare Hogan knows where her passion lies – helping others.


The Year 10 Fairholme College student is soaking in as much as she can through Mater Education's Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) program.


Clare and her classmates have just completed a Certificate II in Health Support Services and are now studying a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance through Mater Education's VETiS program, travelling to Brisbane from Toowoomba multiple times during the school year for the Health Immersion program.


Clare said she looks forward to the trips to South Brisbane to put her skills into action, especially when the volunteers act as patients in the simulation wards.


"We get to do so many different things like wound care, removing stitches, pool side rescues, checking blood pressure and resuscitation of infants and adults," Clare said.


"I love working with the volunteers in the simulation labs, they are empathetic and you can actually communicate with them."


Fairholme College is one of seven Queensland schools which are part of the External Health Hubs Program offered through VETiS. A Mater Education educator travels to Fairholme once a week to deliver the VETiS program in the school's purpose-built Health Hub, which acts as a simulation ward.


Clare said her experience with VETiS has solidified her goal to work in healthcare.


"I love helping others and meeting new people so I think I will give the Diploma of Nursing a go after school," she said.


"I like how hands-on nursing is and how you can achieve so much.


"At the end of the day, patients wouldn't be able to get better without the help of nurses."


Are you passionate about helping others? Apply for the Diploma of Nursing today to start studying in October in Brisbane and Townsville in January 2023: https://mater.li/ApplyForDoN

For any high school students interested in joining our VETiS program, click here to learn more: https://www.matereducation.qld.edu.au/career-entry-qualifications/vetis