Three generations of nurses with close ties to Mater
There’s no doubt that a career in nursing is rewarding, secure and in-demand, however it’s often because of reasons much closer to the heart that really influence someone’s decision to pursue a career in the industry.
We recently spoke to the Vizer family who are all tied closely not only to healthcare, but to Mater, through three generations. It’s clear to see the ripple effect that has been had on each generation and the proud history that the family has with healthcare.
Zara, the youngest of the three generations, is the daughter of Alison. Zara graduated from Mater Education’s Diploma of Nursing program in 2020, to start her journey as an Enrolled Nurse.
“Once I finished high school I started a degree in Registered Nursing, but I found that the learning style wasn’t quite right for me, especially so early in my career. I wanted to build my confidence in a hands-on way and gain practical experience.”
“I was encouraged to study with Mater Education by my mum Alison, who also completed her Diploma of Nursing though Mater Education. I remember when she was studying, she would come home and relay everything she was learning, which she loved, and I loved hearing about.”
“I also saw how proud Nanny was of mum when she decided to study nursing, and it really made me feel like this was the right path for me, too.”
“I loved study at Mater Education. The values, the work, and the type of study suited me perfectly. The educators were supportive and really encouraged an ‘adult learning environment’ where we were trusted and treated with respect.”
Alison, Zara’s mother and a mature-aged Diploma of Nursing student, decided to pursue study in 2014 once her youngest child was in prep.
“My son was diagnosed as being on the spectrum, and without any sort of prior knowledge about children with higher care needs, I wanted to enter the healthcare field primarily to understand and be able to help my little one through life.”
“My mother, Christine, was also a nurse, so growing up I witnessed first-hand the commitment, the lifestyle, the good and the bad of nursing. In fact. Mum actually completed her midwifery training in the 1970’s at Mater! She absolutely loved nursing and made it her career for over 50 years. She was my inspiration.”
“My experience at Mater Education was amazing. I love that we had whole days in the simulation labs and were on placement within a matter of months. It was the only hospital-based, hands-on nursing educator available, and that made a huge different to my education. I had such a positive experience and loved hearing the educator’s real-life stories and scenarios.”
Alison also had two of her children at Mater Mothers’ Hospital and did some of her practical education in the same facility that she gave birth in, which had since been turned into a simulation lab!
Following the completion of her Diploma of Nursing, Alison completed a degree in Registered Nursing and is working as an RN in Brisbane. She has long term goals to become an educator in the nursing space, just like the educators who taught her at Mater Education.

Pictured: Christine, Alison and Zara. Nursing runs in the family across these three generations.