School Holiday Programs
High School Health Adventure
Are you a student in Years 10 to 12? Interested in pursuing a career in healthcare?
Experience a day in the life of a health professional and be immersed in a real hospital environment. Get hands-on experience at a one or two-day High School Health Adventure program.
High School Health Adventure Two-day program
Experience a variety of different healthcare specialties. Learn from medical officers, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, social workers and occupational therapists.
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High School Health Adventure Experiences
One-day experience
Our intensive one-day experiences give you the opportunity to learn more about the specialty you're most interested in.
- Springfield experience - for future community clinic nurses, allied health professionals and pathologists
- Nursing experience - for future nurses
- Maternity experience - for future midwives
- Medical experience - for future doctors
- Allied health experience - for future physiotherapists, occupational therapists, audiologists, pharmacists or social workers

Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS)
A dedicated pathway for senior students interested in pursuing a career in health.
Our popular Vocational Education and Training in Schools program (VETiS) for students in Years 10 to 12 will give you a taste of a rewarding healthcare career.