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Open Disclosure

When things go wrong in the health care system, patients and families have the right to be informed. A health professional’s engagement with consumers at these difficult times will shape the experience, impact attitudes towards ongoing treatment options, and the consumer’s future engagement with clinicians and health services.

Effective open disclosure conversations can assist health service organisations to manage adverse events compassionately for consumers and staff, as well as improving communication and organisational systems.

It is widely acknowledged that these conversations can be difficult to have, but are integral in respecting consumers and delivering quality care.

Who should attend?

This course aims to prepare any health professional who may be involved in Open Disclosure conversations to provide transparent communication between clinicians and patients about incidents that have resulted in harm during their health care stay.

Course information

  • This workshop is designed to help participants conduct conversations with transparency and compassion.

    Supported by experienced healthcare and medico-legal professionals, participants will have the opportunity to build and rehearse their own open disclosure conversation, by engaging with simulated patients in a small, confidential group setting.

    Participants are requested to read the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: Australian Open Disclosure Framework (Section 1.3 – Open disclosure principles and process)

    On completion of the pre reading and attendance at the workshop, participants will have:

    • gained an understanding of open disclosure principles, elements and processes
    • demonstrated an application of open disclosure theory into practice.

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Kickstart your healthcare career in the new year! Study a Diploma of Nursing at Mater Hospital Brisbane, Mater Health Hub, Springfield, or Mater Private Hospital Townsville.

Limited places available, conditions apply.

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